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Continuing Education (C.E.)

CE Addiction - 2.5 Hours CE Credit

Addiction - 2.5 Hours population specific credit.

This course covers what addiction is, causes and risks, effects on the organs, long-term behavioral complications, types of substances often abused, the national opioid epidemic, treatment, and how you can help as a caregiver.
  • What Are We Covering?
  • How to Navigate Your Course
  • Learning Objectives
  • Table of Contents
  • Chapter 1: Introduction
  • Chapter 1 Presentation
  • Case Study
  • Case Study
  • Chapter 1 Checkpoint
  • Chapter 2: Causes & Risks
  • Chapter 2 Presentation
  • Case Study
  • Chapter 2 Checkpoint
  • Chapter 3:Effects on Body Organs and Systems
  • Chapter 3 Presentation
  • Case Study
  • Chapter 3 Checkpoint
  • Chapter: 4 Long Term Behavioral Complications
  • Case Study
  • Chapter 4 Presentation
  • Case Study
  • Chapter 4 Checkpoint
  • Chapter 5: Types of Substances
  • Chapter 5 Presentation
  • Chapter 5 Checkpoint
  • Video: Heroin Addict
  • Chapter 6: National Opioid Epidemic
  • Chapter 6 Presentation
  • Chapter 6 Checkpoint
  • Chapter 7: Treatment
  • Chapter 7 Presentation
  • Case Study
  • Chapter 7 Checkpoint
  • Chapter 8: Caregiving
  • Case Study
  • Chapter 8 Presentation
  • Chapter 8 checkpoint
  • Bring it All Together
  • Final Checkpoint
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever